EFT is a simple, effective technique that I use during my sessions with a great success and can be easily learned by anyone .
EFT works with the body’s energy system.
This electrical system, the subtle energy that runs through the body, is carried through tiny pathways called Meridians. The same meridians they use in acupressure or acupuncture.
The Chinese discovered this vital energy 5,000 years ago and they call it Chi or Ki. It flows through every part of our body and is necessary to our life source.
The medical profession, as well, acknowledges the body’s electrical system and can use devices to measure and monitor it. For example, the EEG records the electrical activity of the brain, and the EKG records the electrical activity of the heart.
If we think about our bodies, we have blood that flows through our veins, breath that flow through our lungs, and food through our digestive track, we also have energy that runs through our meridians.
If we have a blockage in our blood system, breathing system or digestive system we could not live until this was opened and cleared. Same with our meridians and energy system.
There are findings that working with this energy system is the “missing link” when treating negative emotions. When we have distressing memory or thoughts, it actually disrupts our energy system, causing the negative emotion…
EFT is a method of tapping with the fingertips at the end-points of the body`s energy meridians, while tuned into a problem. In doing so, we balance the energy disruption that continued to trigger the problem. It gets to the core of the issue, the energy disruption, and fixes it. In other words, you no longer have a negative emotional charge on that issue.
EFT is very effective with negative emotions, hurts, fears, anxiety, trauma, limiting beliefs, cravings therefore weight loss and more.