Numerology is the language behind numbers and their energy influencing our lives.
In studies it’s been found that numbers are symbols and not just a measuring tool. These symbols represent certain energies which impact us in our life journey. Each number has a unique energy; therefore, each affects us in a different way. The combination of all these energies [numbers] are what we call a Numerology chart or our life path.
Numerology is used to collect information about your personality traits, weaknesses and strengths, and occupations that will help you fulfill yourself for a better and happier life. It can help you find direction and meaning in your life. It can also be used for forecasting, to see what kind of energy will influence your year, month and even day.
Your birthday is made up entirely of numbers. But even your name and the letters in your name correspond with specific numbers.
Those who understand the power of Numerology may even use Numerology as a resource when naming a child or business.
The numbers present in a name impact its overall personality and potential, so some will put great intention into choosing a name that brings the desired results.
The foundation of Numerology are the single digits 1-9,
Numerology teaches us the unique meaning of each digit.
Here’s a quick look at some of their meanings:
1: Independent, leaders, innovative
2: Problem solver, Intuitive, team worker
3: Creative, Communicative, charming
4: Practical, attentive to small details, service-oriented
5: Seek freedom, Curious, social
6: Family oriented, Supportive, protective, romantic
7: Spiritual, smart, curious, analytical
8: Ambitious, materialistic, enduring
9: Awakening, verbal, tolerant, supportive
Your Numerology chart is based on your birth date and your full birth name, so your numbers are unique to you. Through a Numerology reading, a numerologist calculates the placements in your chart and reveals their energetic impact. Most people have heard of a Life Path number, also called a Destiny Number, but there are many other numbers in your chart that can reveal more about you! Some Numerology numbers can indicate your strengths and weaknesses, while others influence your personality traits or the opportunities that come into your life. Here are some of the highlights:
Life Path number: [ Also call the Destiny number] Your Life Path is the strongest and most important Numerology number in your chart. It reveals the road you are on and the person you are spending your lifetime working to become. The Life Path number is derived from your day, month, and year of birth.
Birthday number: This number tells you about special skills you were born with and can now offer a list of occupations that may fit you best.
Personal Year, Month, and Day cycles: These numbers are always changing and reveal what you can expect during a given time frame.
In my practice I use the Pythagorean method, which is a western form of Numerology based on the studies of the Greek philosopher and Mathematician Pythagoras. It is based on the numbers 1-9 and the Latin alphabet A-Z.
I may also use in my practice the Kabbalah Numerology, which is based on the Hebrew alphabet and on top of using a person’s numeric date of birth we use one’s Jewish birth date.
Using Numerology during my practice helps me reveal more information about my client in a much quicker way.
By using Numerology as a tool to evaluate on top of listening and searching for key words during the first session, I can come up with much quicker and more precise information so I can help my client become aware, perform better, and come up with positive changes for a better life.
I also offer a Numerology consultation where I use your DOB and name to prepare an individual Numerology chart.
Numerology sessions are in person for those residing in the LA area but are also available by phone or Video call if residing anywhere in the world.
To schedule a Numerology session or to obtain additional information , please go to the contact tab so you can fill out the contact form, make an appointment, or give me a call.